One of the things you could do if you picked Explorer (there were 4 "paths" you could take, separate from your char's class) was climb onto high ground and get a very pretty panoramic vista. So I spammed PrtScrn EVEN MORE. xD

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I'm hot garbage at landscape and environmental stuff, so I'm always a little envious of people who can design it.

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Teophane was supposed to be my Mechari esper. Lore implies that unlike most robots, Mechari have souls, so why not? They're not like the Cast/Caseal from OG Phantasy Star Online, who couldn't use any magic.

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There were Mordesh esper NPCs, but it wasn't a class option you could pick when making a character. If the game had gone on, they would eventually have made all the race/class combos unlockable. Poor Oreana!

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Harpax was a double-whammy "use my imagination" character: Mechari spellslinger, not an available class option, and also NB. At least I can draw them looking androgynous.

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Tiaru Vishalov, Khloreena's estranged husband, former alchemist. They'd been expecting their first kid when the Contagion happened, and sadly discovered pregnancy and the Contagion were not compatible. It's hard to get over that.

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Vadim and Kaslamir both got shuffled around from their initial beta concepts.

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I took pains to match dyes to my characters' natural hair colours when I included the Angel's Flowing Locks in an outfit. XD

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Lukasz Toronov tried to put on a gloomy air as befitted a race of functionally-undead space elves, but deep down he was actually fairly cheerful in spite of it all.

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Kaslamir was one of the lead dancers with the Grismaran Royal Ballet before the Contagion spread, and his training was pretty easily adaptable to stealthing around and stabbing stuff.

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Mechari medic Liletra Trioplex. Her name was based on LILITH, another "robo-succubus" in my MEAU.

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Phyrraxion, my Mechari engineer, was named after MtG's Phyrexia. He kept his anti-organic sentiments to himself for the most part, though.

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She did eventually get her wish. liked the tweet I posted about her wedding so as far as I'm concerned she canonically is the Caretaker's wife.

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As you can see, I often went with colour themes (and name themes, thanks to an addon that let me name costumes) for my characters.

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Kalaeris was the first WS character I ever made, way back in beta. As you can see, she got a redesign between the early days of beta and the launch of live.

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Additional Ceonnath spam! I like looking at him and I hope you do too. :3

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Ceonnath was another character I maxed out costumes for. I LIKED DRESSING HIM UP OKAY DON'T JUDGE ME

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