Klee and Qiqi maid fanart😳 and also doodle for Xiao's birthday!

4 8

xiao smiling is not real it can't hurt you
xiao's smile :

0 32

"I got you some Crystalflies" - Xiao's birthday letter 🦋
He's too precious omg, happy birthday 🥺❤

16 102

Xiaolumi crumbs on Xiao's birthday.

So, I decided I would find a Crystalfly for you—to put in your hair. I thought that... it would look nice

11 46

I doodled them because I care for them and it's Xiao's birthday 🎉

0 8

Small doodle for Xiao's bday, while I try to get a grip of csp haha ~ 

1 6

Quick sketch. It's Xiao's bday 💖

1 3

A little preview of what's to come! I changed my line to match Xiao's birthday message since it seemed more fitting and is now canon (be still my hEART)
<<< read right to left! <<<

29 218

Didnt think i would do something like this for a charcters birthday, especially xiao's
But about the message he sent, i thought it was so cute so wanted to draw him..happy bday

6 16

Reuploading this bcs its Xiao's birthday. I'll use ur crystalflies wisely my dear.

1 6

Day 7: Soulmates , Fate
My last entry also for real Xiao's birthday fanart since i like it when Zhongli give him a soft treat and love. Happy Birthday Xiao ✨

30 171


0 1

Will I be able to nyoom this before Xiao's birthday ends? Stay tuned 🤣

(Will probably be poorly rendered but oh well)

1 8

in xiao's voice "nerf or NOTHING"

43 471

little preview of what I'm drawing for Xiao's birthday

0 5

I am so fucking late ajsjfkf im never doing a comic again.

Day 1 - First Meeting + Modern Setting (and reincarnatiom au whoops!)
cw/tw: physical signs of torture/abuse (related to Xiao's past)

140 664

kr xiao's voice got me feelin a certain kinda way

0 73

Part 2 of the last one I guess since Venti came home with Keqing C2 </3 and I forgot Xiao's tattoo

4 29

i cant get over xiao's and venti's voice-

0 7