예약가능한 벌새들. 저에게도 영지 선생님이 세분정도 계셨다는게 생각났어요 :) 디테일이 있어 최소 세로 6센티부터 작업 가능합니다. 문의 주세요!

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I'm Yewon shiper 🤷‍♀️ ...#sorrynotsorrykyu

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hyewon everland date 🎟🍡🎡

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Hyewon as Tamen de Gushi

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Q: Why do you like perfumes?

Hyewon: It's quite memorable actually. Before I moved to seoul, in my old school I used to always use just one perfume. I went to school one day without telling my friends, and the hallways started smelling like my perfume.

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