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Zelo fanart ...I found it in Internet sooooooo cute~~~ @ZELO96 dongsaeng-ah you did you Job well... ^_ I💗U,Big kiss💋!
ZELO POSE (p゚∀゚q)
[Fanart] Zelo And Matoki (Cr:On tagged Via:Facebook/zelobap)
[Fanart] Maknae Line Jongup&Zelo (Cr:Bapmato-hk)
[FANART] Bang&Zelo chibi ~~~ SO CUTE <3333 (cr: as tagged)
Finished my Zelo fanart ^^ a little bit strange his face turned out to long
[FAN-ART] Beautiful fanart of Zelo ! (Credit: meteorlog @ tumblr)
[FANART] zelo and ducks, lol xD (source: nyanmako)
#picSpam Zelo (Fanart)
#picspam chibi Bang&Zelo ~~ awwww so cute ><
[Fanart] Baby totomato x baby zelo~ aigoo so cute >< (cr chiiwie @ tumblr)
Have a zelo fanart wen I'm gone :P
I am in love with this fanart artist called nyanmako. her fanart is <3 her zelo, totomato(human) and totomato(bunny)