killua's childhood was pure hell and yet he still grew up as an adorable, loving, amazing, smart, caring, cute, brave, funny, reliable, understanding, sympathetic, heroic, admirable, impressive, wonderful and genuine kid who is worthy of everything good in this world

3 18

Mapping vol1
It's annoying when they try to pull a this-useless-thing-no-one-likes-is-actually-super-cool when it's BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that thing is going to be useful. MC trying hard to reinvent himself is admirable, and there's cool characters. It's okay. I want to read more.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️We can’t solve all the worlds problems, but these books outline an exciting ‘what if’ solution through an admirable SciFi story that certainly has the legs to go beyond a trilogy. Get them on your book list now. You’ll be entertained & gripped for sure

2 2

Enys makes my art soul throb and my eyes orgasm a gazillion times over! Enys is masterly and admirable on a beauticool level 💕
This 😈

3 9

Happy Hobbit Day (Bilbo & Frodo Baggins' Birthdays)
"Today is my one hundredth and eleventhethetheth birthday!" - Here's an illustration I did of these most excellent & admirable Hobbits.

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day 14 and 15 - Setsuna Yuki and Chika Takami

Done! The left one is my fav voice in NijiGaku, the other side is my most admirable character in anime. 😄

2 7

Fair warning indeed, Citizen Snugglebum! Your dedication to caution is admirable — and is neither SLOPPY nor lacking like a certain rogue archaeologist's! I will NOT accept any feline fragmentation grenades from Chelli in the future. We know what happened the last time!💥


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Akihiko's perseverance is admirable,he spent six months in a cheap flat training everyday for his violon contest with memories of his precious Haruki,wishing to win his heart back,not knowing if he would even answer his love feelings,yet he NEVER GAVE UP on Haruki

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Peace! (Part 2)

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Philippians 4:8 (NIV)

2 21

'The Sword: Spectrum'

The Sword as i try to express is vicious and admirable by appearance. Bold by feeling to it. The Sword is an entity that swallows it's wielder to it raging self which was originated from sorrow and pain.

Design process in thread below.

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“I suppose your sympathy is admirable. But what do you dimwits plan to achieve by not fighting? They’ll still be controlled, and you’ll be dead.”

She’s still the BEST.

14 56

One of the most emotional scenes of Locked up And Tied Down episode. 's enthusiasm for becoming Xena is admirable. It was my pleasure to draw this scene. I hope you like it.

13 50

BL Metamorphose de Kaori Tsurutani

Un titre d’une douceur incomparable qui met admirablement bien en avant les échanges intergénérationnels. Deux héroïnes adorables !
Qu’est-ce que c’est bon de voir cette chère Yuki retrouver une passion délaissée ! ❤️

6 38

finally started drawing all the talent! first up, the wonderful, admirable, and truly iconic

gonna be drawing everyone else over time! :) happy last day of super week!! ✨

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¡Feliz cumpleaños Son Hak, el hombre más hermoso, admirable, leal, confiable y fuerte! ❤️

7 26

Todo mi apoyo a . Tendrán mucho que mejorar, pero la iniciativa de por sí es admirable.

23 214

Feliz cumpleaños Asher rey!

Solo puedo decir que lo admiro mucho y siga asi, usted dibuja genial y es alguien muy admirable!

Tome un disparo de amor-

💕 🔫 piu!

10 38

One of my favorite animes is Free! and my favorite character is Rin Matsuoka. I love how he is personified as a shark and his drive to win is admirable. Plus, dubbed by , how can you go wrong?

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Final personal character ranking:

NO PLACE: Virus, Trip, Mink
3RD PLACE: half Koujaku, half Noiz
2ND PLACE: Clear

1ST PLACE: surprisingly...Aoba. I think his character is pretty admirable.

But Tae-san is still best girl.

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Art Fight ATTACK on !!!

Tried a new pallet brush and challenged myself to do the entire piece with one!

Thanks Jens for being such an admirable inspiration!

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