takuzo nagano (@/NaganoTakuzo), i love his hybrid mix of anime-cartoony character designs so much that it slowly seeps into my art style as well.

1 1

5位(RT60/Fav190):https://t.co/ZJUxJWgU16 (hizaka12)
6位(RT52/Fav135):https://t.co/iXrAGOsgvN (O_W_A)
7位(RT39/Fav130):https://t.co/kYvIt2LHvr (agano_class_no3)
8位(RT36/Fav122):https://t.co/Cp7cXpwjj7 (0723mariali)

0 0

1位(RT82/Fav302):https://t.co/PnvsxEazmp (aki0107_inica)
2位(RT26/Fav74):https://t.co/kYvIt2tyhj (agano_class_no3)
3位(RT18/Fav57):https://t.co/wm4DhZgYAd (konakonakinaco)
4位(RT17/Fav56):https://t.co/EWfnojGeWt (AR6E3f6Ti701NBl)

0 0

9位(RT94/Fav284):https://t.co/qp48Yzf0sZ (agano_class_no3)
10位(RT87/Fav284):https://t.co/Aqm3ujL5Z3 (comicand_com)
11位(RT82/Fav264):https://t.co/NMOKxQlbPk (mitchel252525)
12位(RT76/Fav219):https://t.co/fBnRIZh0uT (Bmagic120)

0 0

1位(RT68/Fav221):https://t.co/fWANt2gNOA (aki0107_inica)
2位(RT65/Fav174):https://t.co/fBnRIZz9J1 (Bmagic120)
3位(RT39/Fav124):https://t.co/hlSYVVnxxS (cherryte_toku)
4位(RT39/Fav94):https://t.co/qp48Yzx9H7 (agano_class_no3)

0 0



0 6

‘Malin & Agent D.T. Gagano’ … as played by Gerda-Annette Allikas & Daniel Tadesse Gagano’ in Miguel Llansó’s ‘Jesus Shows You The Way To The Highway’ …

Soundtrack: ‘Agent Double O Soul’ by Edwin Starr …

0 1

Of Naganohara Fireworks fame? She's so easy to get along with. Super straightforward, just says whatever she thinks. Oh, and Naganohara fireworks are just incredible, you should take every chance you get to see them in action. Ah, on that note — here, have a coupon!

1 16

1位(RT91/Fav325):https://t.co/H65qZCHLix (aki0107_inica)
2位(RT56/Fav150):https://t.co/J5wbBnJKbZ (mugi_0813_)
3位(RT42/Fav147):https://t.co/g1wW9kAC5m (murakumotsukino)
4位(RT28/Fav57):https://t.co/gN2GHcYc94 (agano_class_no3)

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According to this article, Nagano Mei will be the lead in Netflix's drama adaptation "The Mitarai family goes on fire", set to be released in 2024. Filming started in mid-February in a residential area in the mountains of Chiba Prefecture


95 351

1位(RT88/Fav274):https://t.co/uWZzkw0jeE (aki0107_inica)
2位(RT30/Fav76):https://t.co/TKhxAU9dVS (agano_class_no3)
3位(RT21/Fav56):https://t.co/2YLx5gegfi (inscco)
4位(RT20/Fav55):https://t.co/zE59uLetLd (masara400R)

0 0

1位(RT168/Fav517):https://t.co/XEj5J0mX3Q (aki0107_inica)
2位(RT41/Fav104):https://t.co/WKgj3vUO1R (salmonkomaku)
3位(RT31/Fav64):https://t.co/K5STdv2mf2 (agano_class_no3)
4位(RT18/Fav46):https://t.co/1SKbbMTBNR (AR6E3f6Ti701NBl)

0 0

5位(RT34/Fav87):https://t.co/fCUAVuF2XI (agano_class_no3)
6位(RT31/Fav84):https://t.co/nse17l6UR5 (mikankei3)
7位(RT25/Fav71):https://t.co/BBlFKIJ7eH (megumin0625)
8位(RT16/Fav50):https://t.co/DcLp2UHqcF (yoino_iyo2)

0 0

1位(RT192/Fav733):https://t.co/yd1FX1vlFV (raymie0124)
2位(RT107/Fav417):https://t.co/VgcnReS6P4 (aki0107_inica)
3位(RT79/Fav250):https://t.co/fSAiGqUf7n (agano_class_no3)
4位(RT45/Fav126):https://t.co/LZGxSwpGOo (comiz00)

0 0

1位(RT85/Fav328):https://t.co/VgcnReS6P4 (aki0107_inica)
2位(RT65/Fav238):https://t.co/yd1FX1vlFV (raymie0124)
3位(RT45/Fav117):https://t.co/fSAiGqUf7n (agano_class_no3)
4位(RT7/Fav44):https://t.co/yS3zdb0tDA (wadaseni2)

0 0

Non t'amo come fossi rosa di sale,
topazio o freccia di garofani
che propagano il fuoco
Ti amo come si amano certe
cose oscure,segretamente,
entro l'ombra e l'anima..

da Pablo Neruda a Pablo Picasso

Femme nue couchèe au collier 1932

4 8

1位(RT146/Fav473):https://t.co/ugbs0EDMW9 (aki0107_inica)
2位(RT44/Fav115):https://t.co/EoDPAKHs04 (agano_class_no3)
3位(RT33/Fav78):https://t.co/NusJd4ZzIz (supertron6251)
4位(RT15/Fav48):https://t.co/ZiQheDHID7 (murakumotsukino)

0 0

I've been retweeting Macross fan art from AST21 (aka Gsh_60_1) all week. As such I'll pivot to some non-Macross. Today its the Knight of Gold from Five Star Stories. I loved coloring this mecha and even created a fan-made Knight of Silver. Line art by Mamoru Nagano. Colors by me.

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