Аа, я даже не знаю что тут написать. Буду тоже оформлять посты на своём языке))

1 7

My favorite one season anime I feel like is underrated is Angel's Of Death, it was a pretty good anime for only 16 or 17 episodes. I wish there was a sequel because seeing Ray and Isaac together is just too cute.

0 2

Day 3 - Stitching
The idea's what if Ray did caught Zack in the end and stitched him up to be her ideal God.

2 8

I return!! Was at the beach last week. Thanks for your patience. 🙏🙏You can read all of the comics in order here:

25 88

"I loved him, and I wanted him to be mine."

Inktober 2019
Day 2: Mindless

2 8