Celestia Ludenberg

Fav: I am not a bitch I am THE bitch

Least: You look like a kid throwing a tantrum in the Paw Patrol Toy aisle at walmart

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Beef-em-Up! 2, Tyrantrum

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Fossils are some of my favs!

But my favorite one is Cradily.
Runner ups are Aerodactyl, Omastar, Tyrantrum, Archeops, Dracozolt, and even Relicanth!

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Punchnodon, El pokémon golpeador, este formidable pelador a entrenado contra los grandes tiranos del hostil territorio, fortaleciendo sus puños con rocas sólidas tan fuertes que pueden derribar una muralla de un solo golpe y noquear al rey tyrantrum.

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when your bored and wanted to reanimate tyrantrums walking cycle

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Dragon Type with a Dragapult huh? I can work with that. :3

Starting Pokémon: Appletun
2nd Pokémon: Kingdra
3rd Pokémon: Tyrantrum
4th Pokémon: Dragapult
Badge: Scalemail Badge
Gifted TM: Dragon Tail

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fancy boy throws tantrum over losing one (1) game of chess
i love this bratty boy and he's the first human i've ever drawn successfully look at him!!!!!!!!!!!! AH!!!!!!

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So I know ages ago I said I wanted to do the gymsona thing, and I did start it but I haven't worked on it for ages so I figured I might as well post the sketches for now :> still missing tyrantrum but they'll get done eventually!

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Flintheart Glomgold is suffering today! Scrooge beat him in a treasure hunting competition so he threw a tantrum and stubbed his toe and is screaming and crying

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tyrantrum/trex boye 😎

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...lash out, throwing a telekinetic tantrum (that should really scare anyone even remotely familiar with the Phoenix Force).

Rogue's recent processing of her own guilt and traumas (which are... very different than Rachel's but we appreciate the effort, chère) seems to put her...

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the party met and fought this temper tantrum babe today!! they missed meeting zaki at the colosseum because they (smartly) got the tournament cancelled.
RIP the tough tankard tavern, though... 😔

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no cause now i can stop laughing at how pressed howl was to be a ginger he threw a whole ass tantrum, he does not vibe with ed sheeran

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Hope you're ready cause you are gunna get a hot steamy face full of Tyrantrum GILF sitting right on top of you :3c

Thank you dude!!!

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tantrum / cup of pork noodles

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