HELL YEAHHHH then Aymeric de Borel is my in game husband and he’s BEAUTIFUL LOOK AT THIS NICE BOY

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Been doing dumb doodles of silkhi to figure out her relationships with other characters
(Aymeric n silkhi are in love but she's too oblivious to realize yet)

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Daddy Aymeric will take care of you


91 192

Absolutely agreed.
Saw Hythlo as switcher, either a soft bottom or teasing the F out of his SO.
100% yes to virgin Zenos.
Also, I view Aymeric as virgin somehow. Dk if he had been or not canonwise, but seeing him so consumed in his work def makes him a loner to some extend.

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It occurred to me when I looked at this pic that I usually photograph Aymeric from his earring side. So here is some earring-free Aymeric for you

27 102

Hi Aymeric!

I love media of all sorts in the industry, and I def grew up on 90's sci-fi. I'm a freelance 2D character concept artist.

Here's my portfolio and some of the work entailed. Hope this finds you well.


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Ooh I would love go draw EstinienxWoL art. I just finished an Aymeric one with a Zenos one in the works. :)


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hey aymeric, been following you since ping pong (your color scripts!)

🔨 EXP:
- visdev at sciencesaru
(star wars: visions - location & props, rough boards
heike - fx, LO anim)
- art director for a small ad studio, polyester

❤ FAN:
appleseed, mandalorian, transformers

5 70

Aymeric |
I love himn... so thanku
| | | | |

9 26

Aymeric, hey! i’ve been working in animation for several years, as a visual developer and now I’m working in gaming. Would love to contribute to the project, but anyway - will be waiting for the announcement!
My works are mostly here:

0 2

Hi Aymeric! I'm interested in the visdev position. I'd love for the opportunity to work with you one day, I've loved your work for a long time! :)

🖼 https://t.co/V5FcJ5ji4V
📧 karenhanart.com

0 13

Hi Aymeric! I'm interested in the visdev position. Even if things don't align for this project, I would love to eventually work with you one day-- your stuff is great!! Best of luck with recruiting!
💼: https://t.co/hS4Tmo8XTY
✉️: lilywangart.com

0 3

hi Aymeric, just here to share my portfolio link! Always look up to and adore your works! Thanks so much!

0 32

Hi Aymeric! I'd love to be considered for your project! I'm interested in character design and visdev :D

1 3

I love the part of the event that lets you look like canon characters at one point I was part of a group of dancing rhytatin surrounding aymeric and lyse

0 7

Hi Aymeric, this sounds like a fantastic opportunity!
I'd love to be considered for visual development if my profile match with what you're looking for. Here's a link to my portfolio as well if you want to see more.

e-mail : lorenzontl.com

2 23

hey aymeric! this project sounds incredible, i would love to be considered for character design or vis dev! https://t.co/lyzPnHeqb0

7 96

Hi Aymeric, super excited about this project! I'm Sudarshan Kumar and do mostly colorkeys and early concepts for Animation. I hope I fit in the visdev department to explore this world :)

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