La família Mutermilch va estiuejar a la Bretanya francesa de 1905 a 1912: Concarneau, Audierne, Douarnenez i Pont-Aven. Muter va fer coneixences amb els pintors de l’anomenada Escola de Pont-Aven. Alhora, la llum i els paisatges bretons l’acabaran captivant i inspirant

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C'est gentil comme initiative, merci ^^

Je suis Guyveluwii, un breton dessineux passionné par les céphalopodes.
J'aimerais bien faire une bd et je réfléchis à quelques potentiels univers RP. Sinon j'aime bien aussi humanisé des animaux...

Ah et je participe à l'ATTA.

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Drawn by

Chet Dunford, Breton Draft Horse

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Cassica did, in fact, discover he was spending his evenings with a pretty, young, Breton alchemist. Under an illusion to make him look alive, of course. I wish I could say it went down half as well as this in-game.

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Yup’ik mask that once belonged to André Breton, from Goodnews Bay, Alaska

The perfect oval of its face surrounded by eight feathers.
Breton believed in the superiority of animals and “invisible beings,” such as spirits, and in the power of objects over humans.

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an illustration for a breton fairy tale.

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“It is now May, and the sweetness of the air refresheth every spirit: the sunny beams give forth fair blossoms [...] It is the month wherein Nature hath her fill of mirth, and the senses are filled with delights" - Nicholas Breton

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Adela Breton was not your typical Victorian woman. In 1892, she went to Mexico for the first time and made painstakingly accurate copies of the wall paintings in Mayan ruins. Her copies are now the only full record of what was there

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Adela Breton (1849–1923). Acuarelista británica, trabajó en sitios arqueológicos en México haciendo copias de tamaño completo a color de las ruinas.

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Ooooh merci pour cette occasion * __ *
Moi c'est Mydriad, vous me trouverez planquée dans ma tanière ou mes forêts et mes montagnes savoyardes (je suis aussi bretonne l'été, c'est important ça <3 )
J'aime tout et personne, mais surtout la nature, les mythologies, la fantasy...

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Breton elf with traditional knots for - grayscale to color & step-by-step on Yrial in Sight

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Jean Seberg in a Breton top. That's what this is a drawing of.

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by Vincente van Gogh,1888 Breton Women

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The sixty-five rather fabulous demons of Jacques Collin de Plancy's 'Dictionnaire infernal', as illustrated by Louis le Breton, 1863 > Defining the Demonic

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✅Inspirational Image 💡# 398

👤Michel Breton

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Time is a tease

André Breton

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