me @ 12/13 year old me: i don't wanna sound rude but you're really boring

(and lost and uncomfortable with myself...... kinda did have a glow up doe 😳)

(cishet christian girl vs non binary trixic..... who would win in a fight)

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If u knew me when I still thought I was cishet- no you didn’t

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not all computer scientists are cishet white Elon Musk fanboys.
at least one(1) is FilAm nby dragonball weeb anime trash. 🤪Pursuing my PhD in CS researching creativity tech while making digital art & comics too!

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cant decide if i like this fucker or not ❗️❗️❗️❗️ cuz on one hand he’s sucks and he’s a dumb cishet and probably ableist BUT on the other hand he’s a dumb gay person and has Neuro Divegren

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Cishet guys will call furries weird and then jerk off to whatever this is

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that epic gamer moment when 's "cishets" makes you wanna draw so you go full apeshit with your scene etc character lol

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Not cishets complaining about cishet being used as an insult 🤢 maybe just dont be cishet then problem solved

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this man right here is a cishet I just know it (he still has rights tho)

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POV: you are a cishet ace attorney fan and phoenix is proving that you, the witness is in fact the actual murderer and therefore proving the original suspect innocent

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not to get political or anything but what the fuck is a cishet

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March vs September
-hair begone
-i got tan
-depression slowly going away
-confidence boost
-better sleep finally
-dont look like a cishet girl anymore thank god
-bye toxic friends

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why are cishet concept artist dudes so afraid of man ass. what the fuck is this . jrpg hank hill ass

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cishet homophobic asshole in strawberry dress<3

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my oldest art that I can find of him,,, this is after his redesign to make him less cringey 😂 also after I decided he was bi.... very daring for my assumed cishet self. Steve was my first foray into LGBT

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not a single cishet in sight. Just ppl living in the moment.

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WHAT... your cishet . . that is so gross...

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courtesy of my darling , new dn courtesy of the thing cishet men fear most ✨

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no cishet man stands like this

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cishet comic "nerd": judges cosplayer (who are often female or female presenting)
actual comics: *there*
me: so we found the real impostor here yes
(this is Duela Dent btw from DC comicsverse)

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is cishet 💔 here’s proof

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