Finally, only took 100 years to power up the gears just enough,and to practice dodging his attacks just right🧐🙃

Now it's time for gengar

0 1

If i didnt drift into the grass the water would of slid me into the sign so i saved myself its like drifting and dodging a red shell u wouldnt kno abt tht life ur not there yet in double dash and i can beat u in 8 i have u still got tht silver medal back at brandyns

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"Men, dodging under the surrealistic designs of Hitler’s anti-invasion brain trust"- on here's how Robert Capa recalled the Normandy landings

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Crashing through the crowded halls, dodging girls like ping-pong balls, just to reach the bathroom in time!

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Me dodging spoilers for until June 4th

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About halfway into the level, the apes find themselves dodging more green Buzzes and crossing more gaps.

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me, dodging widow shots:

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How I feel somehow dodging all these Endgame and Game of Thrones spoilers this week

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Hooray! I finished early! I actually finished a few days ago but I've been kinda worried about Endgame spoilers so I've been dodging social media. (I've seen it—now you go see it!) How are your goals coming??

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Darting, dodging, dipping, and diving,
The Damselfly streaks across the sky.

Tripping, flipping, and floating
The acrobat falls freely down again.

Ladybug is too slow, but Damselfly is too fast.
Can These 2 bugs come together and become better-flies?


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Me, dodging every spoilers of the End Game in the internet

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dodging everyone's GOT spoilers like

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Me dodging GoT spoilers til I fly back home to RVA

0 1 this news&mkamaluddin is Don't change the subject, Stop dodging the point.
I know Split payment 40years&postponement of payment 10years. →
He is run away from the true nature of the problem.

2 4

Me dodging Ru Paul's drag race spoilers

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In her dreams, at least, she's a bullet-dodging superstar.

5 15

ufotable out there dodging taxes like

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