Speaking of oppressing free speech: While you're complaining about the "violation" of the First Amendment, your campaign recently forced the removal of a political cartoon by from under a bogus claim of trademark infringement.


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"The removal arises from a meritless complaint by the Trump re-election campaign. The cartoon constitutes speech protected by the First Amendment, and its removal misuses mechanisms designed to protect intellectual property to suppress protected speech."


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The AAEC has signed on to a letter from to pointing out the clear violation of 's First Amendment rights, and requesting the reinstatement of the cartoon on the product site.


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Revision of the 2014 Domestic Violence Law is a key demand of women’s rights actors in 🇱🇧. The law is in Parliament; calls on the Parliament to urgently pass proposed amendments, to protect those at risk within a surge in GBV incidents. Read more 👉: https://t.co/e3HUb1knoB

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President Trump's campaign issued a complaint causing the removal of Nick Anderson's political cartoon from . Today, we're leading a coalition calling on Redbubble to affirm its commitment to the First Amendment and reinstate Mr. Anderson's work. https://t.co/g3DXeNggbr

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You still trust the system? I don't! Be as much independent as you can and process all information by yourself. Use your common sense to distill real information from all the bullshit and noise.

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Bar any amendments, for the next book has been painted, scanned & sent to publisher. Much yellow, blue & green ink used, now to try to replace them ready for my next project. I wish I could show you a snippet, but no, top secret I'm afraid! so happy bunnies instead

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Anyone in Sudan who performs female genital mutilation faces a possible 3-year prison term under an amendment to Sudan’s criminal code approved last week.
This comes following years of persistent and forceful advocacy by all stake holders.

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Last day to order "Herstory" (my little collection of cartoons for the pro-choice feminist) so it will arrive before Mother's Day..Take a breather and enjoy the progress we've made since the 19th Amendment was passed 100 years ago. https://t.co/lzvCDJXnut

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Here’s a side by side comparison of the original painting vs with amendments. Started out adding some highlights & before I knew it I’d been ‘amending’ it for more than an hour 😅

Can you guys tell which painting was done in 2018 and which in 2020? Which one do you like better? https://t.co/y0bDNvZsNk

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Sometimes, you gotta redraw garbage art from 2014. (Age 13). But like. A bunch.

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Still looking for the perfect Mother’s Day gift? Herstory is a small collection of the cartoons I've drawn, gathered in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment. Order by May 1 & I'll inscribe the book to you or the mother of your choice. https://t.co/mPNdkEmyca

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Once again, not claiming prescience, but I painted this in January of 2016. In case you can't see the details very well from my poor photo, that's Trump's face on the statue of Liberty.

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The index has been added to They Came from Beneath the Sea!, we've made final amendments, and it's ready for that final stage: getting into your hands.

You're running out of days to back, but if you can, please do so right here: https://t.co/1MB8645InG

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