What is Love for you?


Love; A complex yet beautiful feeling binding two souls together for a moment or a life-time. Love is multifaceted and connected to multiple emotions, making each of your experience with it completely unique.


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Overcoming Barriers: Mobility limitation; “inspirational” disability; and Josee, The Tiger, and the Fish

Zeldaru highlights the way the film reworks its source material to highlight Josee's search for community and make her a multi-faceted heroine


26 61

I re-read "Aurelian" by ... again and I found even more facets of I like. (And I'm pretty sure that the author really enjoyed making Ingethel increasingly and ridiculously uglier.😁)

3 29

Love; A complex yet beautiful feeling binding two souls together for a moment or a life-time. Love is multifaceted and connected to multiple emotions, making each of your experience with it completely unique.


9 14

this two phase family feels like a system of caves, woven through a set of faceted, geometrical spaces.

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cheep ^-^ (his facetime with catnip got interrupted)

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I have nothing else on my mind other then dream face revealing to george on facetime when he gets his visa

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Love; A complex yet beautiful feeling binding two souls together for a moment or a life-time. Love is multifaceted and connected to multiple emotions, making each of your experience with it completely unique.


6 16

quand on facetime j'ai l'impression d'être une minuscule boulette qui tient dans sa main 😭😭😭

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Love; A complex yet beautiful feeling binding two souls together for a moment or a life-time. Love is multifaceted and connected to multiple emotions, making each of your experience with it completely unique.


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This is now extra funny with the knowledge of how pissed Batman gets when other people goof off during monitor duty in the JL and the JLI. No YOU can't game during monitor time but back in the justice league I would facetime Riddler and we would play board games

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Love; A complex yet beautiful feeling binding two souls together for a moment or a life-time. Love is multifaceted and connected to multiple emotions, making each of your experience with it completely unique.


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Love; A complex yet beautiful feeling binding two souls together for a moment or a life-time. Love is multifaceted and connected to multiple emotions, making each of your experience with it completely unique.


8 15

Freebie preview tonight!!
Let me know if your going to the NY show!!!! I can’t wait to meet more carats and especially see the babes. This is my first SVT concert and I’m ready to lost my absolute mind !!

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Gm fam 😍

Love; A complex yet beautiful feeling binding two souls together for a moment or a life-time. Love is multifaceted and connected to multiple emotions, making each of your experience with it completely unique.


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Las dos facetas de la dulce Ran 🌸

5 28

Everyone need a little love 😍

Love; A complex yet beautiful feeling binding two souls together for a moment or a life-time. Love is multifaceted and connected to multiple emotions, making each of your experience with it completely unique.


8 22