We're back from break 🎉 Cowatti is the first Electric-type Pokemon to appear in Sage! I thought about making a "kawaii" pun but I'm too tired to generate any graceful humor. So, enjoy this lil friend!

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A ton of bases for this one but mainly the the and
Fe-Rustic is a mon for my Canadian of
ProjectPage w/mon details:

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Gigaard is the final form for Pebblosa and Terratetra, a Normal-Rock type anteater 🐜 this one was a bit of a struggle because I have a lot to learn about drawing rocks and stone.

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Your fire starter evolved! Meet Infernobra, the evolved form of Slingnite! More details on my Instagram.

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Kobalt is Koblin's other evolutionary possibility, occurring inside instead of outside! Kobalt here is demonstrating how I feel when I encounter transphobes and other willfully ignorant douchebags.

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Pebblosa evolves into Terratetra, gaining the Rock subtype!

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So I decided to Open this account exclusively for my fakemons in my Jericalla Region. So to start with I’m going to share with you the Eeveeton! Which means one Eeveelutionmfrom each unused type.

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Koblin evolves into one of two forms, depending on if it takes place outside or inside! Outside, Koblin evolves into Koberus, gaining Fire as its secondary type to Dark. I really love how this one came out 😊

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Pebblosa is a lil Normal-type anteater Sagemon, with a rockin' future 😎

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Meet Slingnite, the Fire Starter of my Fakemon Region, the Wintrow Region! More details on my instagram!

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Koblin is the first Dark-type available in Sage! I love this lil cave dweller.

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Keedome and Crownium (based on Iroquois and Wyandot mythology) based mon for my of
ProjectPage w/mon details:

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Brrrr! Cute lil Bluffin evolves (glows up) into Burrmudail! I think this design is gorgeous and it took me a couple tries to get this one decent 😅

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