Happy ~ Made this while listening to a WIP of my next song :3

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late post of , some repaint of my old drawing it's masky with the water, the original is in watercolor but i correct it in some way using digital painting

9 35

Here's my fukaaa for 💕

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i've been wanting to draw Fukase with a bunch of cats for a while now, so here is this (watch me discover a new tool and then immediately overuse it)


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i made magical mirai 2018 outfit for fukase🎈
happy 11th birthday to miku🎂

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A super chibi baby Fukase-chan~

3 9

Why not make the supportive Vocaloids a trio with this ?

3 12

今週こそは描けないかもと思っていたけれど、なんとか!今週もお疲れさまでした!It's finally Friday! Hope you find the time to unwind!

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*insert ASEAN games participant country flag here
because fukase friday is the same day as my country independence day so i try to make fukase wear something sporty and ASEAN games theme (which i too tired to draw the flag)

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忙しい一週間でした。明日は朝ゆっくりしながらコーヒー飲むんだ。皆さんもよい週末を!It's been a busy week. Tomorrow, I will sleep late and enjoy my morning coffee! Hope everyone has a great weekend~!

19 55

I borrowed my Spirit Fukase's spirits for Nessa's Sonika original Nightfall Parade and also my Fukase makes a cameo in like the last 3 seconds so I wanted to draw these two together

featuring closer shot of Fukase so it's still the main focus

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len gets trapped in fukase's basement and is forced to watch him huff paint HAPPY !!

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