Every goddam Dota2 game.......

4 31

▼ NEW GAME....?

16 60

Draw this pic is easier than play this fcking game....

17 21

Am so into this game.....

0 0

It's Ignatius' birthday! Happy birthday! 🎁🎁🎁🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉🎉 Time to celebrate! Game.... START!

3 5

Just ya know. Playin' the game..... Quit looking at me. o3o

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The Mines of Terror. computer game....

0 1

Was gonna finish this but my deciding to get reference became me just playing the game.....

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this game.... Is great... Just great.

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man when was the last time i've played this game.......... yooooo iwatooshi

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Mola evolved to Young man! Amazing......I love this game......

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My face when you kill the whole game.....

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Oh my god this game....

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Decided to make some planet of the apes 8bit characters. This... kind of makes me want to make a game....

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