An exceptional run 'n gun
An indie masterpiece
The catalyst to my art career
The community that supported me

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Previous one was pretty broad so let's get more specific (and perhaps even harder to specify)
Four games that influenced my music

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unironic honorable mention to minecraft

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Well, these 4 games shaped my artistic vision as a kid and grew me a strong love for RPGs and choice based games. They taught me a lot, and I’ll always love them for that ❤️

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These games have shaped my vision on game development, on an nostalgic level just a soundtrack from any of these will literally raise the hairs on my arms.

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It's literally impossible to boil it down to 4, but I can't not join in on this one!

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I analyze these things way too much.

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Decided to pick some things that really helped shape me and stick out as impactful for me during my child/tween years. Not necessarily my favourites, but they mean a lot to me!

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Final Fantasy VII changed my life because it existed. Ever and always thanks to A- for inviting me to play.
Dynasty Warriors 3 Xtreme Legends. How I fell in love with DW.
Tetris on Mac. Probably saved my mind.
Landstalker. Before I even knew video games was a thing!

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