LOL.... this is so cute though, Ms. Tomoe wanted to give them good memories..... ofc she doesn't know the details of half the shit that went down but lol

1 4

POOR BABY LOL..... he just wanted to duel, too

1 3

I love how this is set up like some cliche boy girl movie but that is so the opposite of what it actually is lol.........

1 3

Judai honey please I promise your friends love you omfg his faces.....

1 4

There are a lot of bits in Yugioh GX that have made me wonder if it's really real and yet again here is one of them LOL.... again, episode gay. both ofy'all need to accept your feelings for him LOLLLL

0 4

I genuinely did not expecting Sho flying-tackling Manjoume HE IS A GREMLIN. this part had me dying LOL his fucking legs

1 6

It's so funny bc this is one of those episodes that I think is supposed to be "het" but is a lot gayer than it is not LMAO....

1 5

look at this fucking IDIOT...

1 3

they were still just horking out.....

1 2

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LOL he's so proud of himself for setting this up it's so cute...

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LMAO he's right outside brooding...

1 6

Asuka: smiling
Asuka realizing Judai didn't come after all: :(

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