I knew these three & their boppin' theme song reminded me of something... pls watch if u can!

101 393

I need to clean it up but so far the show is really good. Sayaka is a chad.

14 36

This anime is already the anime of the year with just 1 episode in January 5th. Also Sayaka could step on me and I would let her

1 13

UwU.. Hi guys.. This is my Fan art of Yandere-kunXTaeko Senpai. Its not that nice but I hope you like it.😻🙂
The Characters Belong to Yandere Simulator Developed by Yandere dev😆

0 6

Mandatory ROTC will not solve our territorial dispute with China, nor the injustices in our society. Only through an anti-imperialist and anti-feudal orientation can we achieve genuine freedom and democracy.

41 69

The narrative the State wants us to believe is baseless, illogical, and truly just a sorry attempt to allow militarization in our schools!

Read our full statement here: https://t.co/j8iOJrL8F8

90 211

In light of the recent Niqab ban from Quebec, and the ones before it in other countries

83 174

新潟のラウドシーンを牽引するKEEP YOUR HANDs OFF MY GIRLのDieshiにインタビュー!ファンはもちろん、まだ知らない方もぜひチェック!

14 13

Is setting a dangerous precedent as a dangerous president?

10 9