some stuff for regentquest as well :) programmed with html, css, and js over the weekend

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Carter (black) and his mother (red) Vianne, a gritty ‘ol southern lady, regent of her pack. They travel to negotiate terms with other packs, or enforce law, etc. Carter just travels with her cause the pack isn’t so keen on him (for good reason) and Vi doesn’t mind

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A large theropod from the Elliot Formation, Dracovenator regenti lived in the early jurassic of South Africa being a major predator of the varied herbivores that existed in the region, including small sauropodomorphs and the minuscule ornithischians.

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Born in 1461: (1461-1522), Regent of France for brother daughter of

Portrait with daughter Suzanne on the right shutter of the Moulins Triptych by (fl. ca. 1480-1500), ca. 1498-9

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There's never been a better time to support us by joining the
Last year they helped us acquire this fantastic of Regent Circus (1945) by
You can join online via their website:

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Rude, witty fashionister & one-time friend of the Prince Regent: Beau Brummell's death 1840 went virtually unnoticed when he died shabby & insane in Caen. A preeminent example of the dandy; a whole culture was founded upon his manner & droll sayings.

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I'm still proud of this series of Dream Regents.

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Remember when REGENT was a big part of Spider-Man's world?

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Spring was is in the air in today even if the leaden skies concealed the sun until late afternoon.

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アンバスヴェルクです。Bozzetto Regent Lv139 INT319=種族E+剣D+暗C MND332=CDG 斬突打+0% 魔+50% 息+0% 風-50% 氷雷70% 火風土光50% 闇30% 水20% 魔防122 回避1372 剣は回避スキルB組なのでいつもより高めです。オートリジェネはありますがテナシティはありません。#FF11

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After the death of her husband, Duke Henry III, Adelaïde of Burgundy warded off foreign regents and reigned over Brabant until her son John I ascended to the duchy in 1267

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Ho van fer de seguida. Per exemple, membres del grup neofeixista Forza Nuova van dedicar-se a marcar negocis regentats per persones xineses i impedir que els clients hi entressin. I escenes de racisme a tort i a dret...

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The regent of the Zodiac, Ottoman miniature, s. XVIII

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Toronto’s flatiron building is a lovely work in progress by Mr. Jiang!

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· The Regent ·

Full Set available for viewing on👇 by featuring Cherry Pin Up

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Born in 1637: (1637-1708), Princess & Regent of Anhalt-Dessau, daughter of Stadtholder Prince of Orange

Portrait by Gerard van (1592-1656), ca. 1650-60

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Born in 1637: (1637-1708), Princess & Regent of Anhalt-Dessau, daughter of Stadtholder Prince of Orange

Portrait by Johannes (1614-70), ca. 1655-65

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Born in 1637: (1637-1708), Princess & Regent of Anhalt-Dessau, daughter of Stadtholder Prince of Orange

Portrait with sister by Gerard van (1592-1656), ca. 1650

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