"miss marina, why are you ALWAYS trying to carry so much?? be careful!"
ok i admit this one was a little overindulgent. but as a certified marina lover y'all just KNOW i had to draw some selfinsert!clerk/marina... the ultimate rarest !

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This overindulgence has made me the fattest thief... and I feel myself getting bigger by the second... X3

13 85

Begitu menikam Ulu hati ku... Ini lagunya
Cocok mengiringi meditasi...

Duh tiba2 Kami rindu Gusdur 😥

762 1529

Allah, sebagaimana Engkau kuatkan hati kami di bulan Ramadan, Engkau kuatkanlah juga hati kami di bulan-bulan yang seterusnya. Allah, jadikanlah kami semua perindu Ramadan.

Karya: Jauhar Wing

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Kejadian dua hari terakhir ini membuat nama alm. Gus Dur kembali dirindukan banyak orang. Siapakah sebenernya beliau??

Mohon izin bu nyai untuk nulis thread ttg sosok beliau 😊

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Grumpy Cat mati akibat jangkitan kuman, jutaan pengikut di seluruh dunia bersedih termasuklah kami. Sob Sob. Rindu dengan muka garang dia.. :(

7 10

"And do we really have to do this HERE?!"

Russel has a weakness for cake and similar pastries, and I like overindulging him, so... sorry big guy, whole box has to be gone before we can go home!

🎨: is wonderful, one of the best commissioning experiences I've ever had!

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This overindulgent lazy dragon needs a good gut rub.

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Unerwarteterweise ist die Roboterindustrie doch innovativer als erwartet.

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Sakamoto Taro pulang ke Jepang setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia. Tapi dia selalu merindukan "tanah air tercintanya".

Season 2 Episode 8 sudah update di comics!


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Very quick study. Apparently I paint quickly when I'm annoyed, who knew.

Photo is "Overindulgence" by Richard Parry.

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Drew this last Halloween. Werecow Isabella going out trick or treating with her kids. However, as she does, she overindulged afterwards and was nagged into trying to work off the calories... she never really will though.

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Lilith has a tendency to overindulge herself

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During the holidays, Bagel seems to overindulge a bit on treats and drinks alike and it gives situations like this of her growth being a little too fast for her and Coffee ^^”

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