Days 1-3
Ancient Shadow Phoenix

Noctus, The EverDrake. It travels the lands with no purpose, Clad in hell flames that revive it once it falls. The originator of the Virus cannot fall.

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Alright next two days! Bringing back some other characters, Ouruboros and Refilwe. The latter I imagine would be good friends with Chaga.

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5: Sir Ignatius Ardito Alain III
Here's the person describing the dragons! A half-dragon naturalist and self described connoisseur, adventurer, and gentleman. In his quest to expand his palate, he joined an guild of explorers searching for exotic food and spices.

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I said I would post some smaugust stuff in batches so heres batch one 👍

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Day 4 - Macaron
During the day when you hear crashing and laughing its probably just the Macaron Racers at it again. The number on their sides are inspired by race cars and also from how many races they have been in.

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Day 4: Admire. Don't admire your reflection too long, it might admire you back...

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so excited to be able to draw again 😭😍
day Swim

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