Leia Organa Solo and Mara Jade both encounter Endor on their missions of stop Thrawn. Being it was the site of Palpatine's death, both force users felt the dark and twisted life force of the dead emperor that still resides over Endor. Showing the strength palp has after death.

8 24

My favorite Star Wars villain is Grand Admiral Thrawn. Who is yours?

54 757

He is trying to estimate how many light years is he from home and on which side of the sky are the stars of Chiss Ascendancy.

5 20

thank you for the very fun thrawn anatomy challenge. you may not have not mentioned thirst content but i wanted to provide anyway 🥳

9 39

Thank you for your request! Thrawn who finds long hair annoying..?😂 I hope you like it😆

20 47

I love Thrawn art! The Last Grand Admiral, by Ryan Barger!

11 58

characters who don't know each other but would be best friends

Book Thrawn and Galen Erso

I don't know if best friends... but I think they would understand each other on a intellectual level. I still think Thrawn would have seen through Galen's plan and offered to help.

11 41

“There, against one of the trees, was a small wooden tablet with a drawing. It was the picture of his parents with him as a child, replicated with black ink.” 7/7


3 33

Lo vuelvo a decir tantas veces como haga falta. Lo que está haciendo con la adaptación al cómic de su propia novela fanfic "Last Known Trajectory" donde descubrimos que pasó con Ezra y Thrawn tras lo visto en Rebels es para quitarse el sombrero

10 24

A couple of pages of my 'Thrawn Janet' adaptation. Buy a starvin' a bowl of by getting this story (for soup money) with the THE BOODA COLLECTION right here Buy NOW, never needs irony --> https://t.co/Mg4J3Cf8cQ

0 2

There were some years that genie Thrawn had to spend being very small. It had it’s benefits and also flaws, but eventually he learned to communicate with rodents...

0 17

"The path towards the stream had become well marked and Ezra almost knew it by heart. (...) When he reached the edge of the hill, he felt the urge to stop and look up."


9 43

I HC Chiss bury their nobles in ice tombs. Thrawn wasn’t a noble but Eli arranged him the most noble funeral and kept his frozen body in special section of his quarters.

1 23

“Beware the Daughter of the Sea”

my OC

4 43