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Tfw u are already tired, but u just want to watch "one episode more.."

5 8


3 12

Just need it to dry to finish the very bottom edge. But other than that I think it's done. I want to go there!#painting

2 2

My last but one time on season 2 this time last year!!! :) Rx

7 115

This show helps me so much. I mean, even the scenery helps with my anxiety. <3

0 2

Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest.

62 197

“memory of a blast furnace” For years, the steelworks have been exerting a strange magnetic pull on me. I keep coming back.

9 23

Speak Up!
The Future Is Ours.
Fight,Resist, Refuse.
United We Stand.
Protect Mother Earth.
Our Voices WILL Be Heard.

138 131

I've been busy making sure my bed doesn't run away today.

1 20