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【告知】見本誌届いたので改めて٩( 'ω' )و今週金曜日17日発売の新雑誌ジャンプSQ.CROWNに読切「九十九神行録/ミナミ」掲載させて頂いてます!今回はどファンタジーですよろしくお願いします( •́ .̫ •̀ )
"Corrie Beach, Arran" oil on canvas 50cm sq £400 unframed http://t.co/DY9VgQhWGF #landscape #Scotland #art
Me and @thegrimmbrother and @SeanSmithafc at the #antiausterity rally in George Sq today. :)
£3k can get you one of these #unique and totally #original #mixedmedia paintings. All at 100cm sq. #stunning #wow
동일본 대지진 피해자들을 위한 SQ 작가들의 응원메세지 중 나이토 씨가 그린 잽의 일러스트. 원작 3권.
東日本大震災の被災者たちをためのSQ作家たちの応援メッセージ中、内藤泰弘 さんが描いたザップのイラスト。原作3巻。
#onthisdayillustrated June 5th 1989: #Tankman halts advancing tanks for over 1/2 hr after the #Tiananmen Sq protests