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I loved both as a kid. It is still debated whether or not Disney's Lion King was inspired by Tezuka's Jungle Emperor Leo (known as Kimba the White Lion in the West). "Gift for eugenius330: Simba and Kimba" by WeisseEdelweiss. https://t.co/fMqjj45UJr

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Ok. Oh, the Pippi one is 1. Specifically the animated one I watched as a kid. 2. Emphasis: WHEN I WAS A KID! 3. Yeah I also think SHE's RATHER TASTY!

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"Yep! Cuz I love him."
"And we love you too, my kid."
They kiss because .😚😚💕 Happy anniversary.
love forever 💓💓

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is MUSIC!!!! I probably should have mentioned some of my kids favorite bands in this comic I made for my kid...

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MAN...playing deltarune brought back all my good feels playing with frisk...i love this kid..*pats screen* wholesome bebby

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How sees its players.
I kid... slightly. Still looking forward to it, looks like good wholesome fun.

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3...kazoo kid..kazoo squid

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Delta Rune: Ralsei.
Must protect this kid.

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For 27 I did a redesign on Rocket the Sloth. Brought to you by one of the 2 VHS I had of Adventures as a kid.

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Thanks, kid. Spent too much time on this crest curl to not look good. 😉

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Hnng. Finished this a while ago but I posting it. My dorky kid. There's also his togetic but twitter only lemme post 4 pics :^) im the process of finishing 2 more. I actually have another one finished. May post that too.

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I teach my kid. I follow it too.

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Man I love your fursuit.
Your eyes kinda look like the loony tunes logo. Every time I see a picture of this suit I think back to watching cartoons as a kid.
Your ears remind me of fire.
This suit is amazing. The details are awesome, and your eyes are mesmerizing.

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does a great podcast with called The Fighter & The Kid. Catch their video up on youtube. Another great time illustrating this one 😀

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Week three of the and today the prompt is The Adams Family! I was obsessed with this movie and Adam’s Family Values when I was a kid. I wanted to be Wednesday! 🖤

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M: Heya pal! Seen anyone out there in white robes?
D: Nope. Just me out here.
M: Drat! I'll never find my archrival at this rate! Stupid fortune teller...
D: Well good luck with that kid.

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