???: Don't say that, you know how kids are... She'll warm up to you evantually...

Just give her some time to know you more...

0 1

*It returns back*

???: Sorry about that... I think she's just scared meeting new people...

She'll get used to you when she met you long enough, that's all...

0 1

???: Technically, it's my other half's daughter, but sure... Let me switch with her...

*Its eyes and voice changed*

Linda: You want to see my daughter, let me get her for moment.

*a few minutes later*

Here she is.

0 1

???: Well, let's just say he was traumatized beyond repair, like he's broken mentally...

He made a wrong mistake by insulting her... Never made a demon spirit angry...

You'll never know what cruel things I'll do to them...

0 1

???: Not in the slightest...

Apparently some random asshole had the guts to insult my other half's daughter...

Needless to say, I gave that idiot some needed "Punishment"...

0 1

???: ... *Waves back at him with a stoic-emotionless face*

0 1

DRAA x ???: Another sneak peek of a little collab I’m working on🦋✨

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???: Just stay still or your wounds will get more severe...

*A Light Blue glow appear around chris and all of his mortal wounds are healed instantly*

There... I used my healing magic to heal you, now all of your wounds are healed...

0 1

???: Apologies for my sudden appearance... *It inspects him*

So, I see you suffered some mortal wounds... It's no issue, I can just heal you and it'll be done...

0 0

殴らない…よね…???:( ;´꒳`;):

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???: Any problems...?

All 3 of them: H-How did you get here?!

0 0

???: Unfortunately, I don't have an actual name... Although you can just call me Linda's other half...

Since the person I'm possessing is name Linda RoseFire...

0 1

???: I'll allow you to take your leave... Just try to be careful next time...

*It said now smilling*

And I only smile when seeing someone in pain... But somehow a demonic spirit like me can smile out of kindness...

But once again, be careful...

0 1

???: Anyway, not to be rude, is there a reason you're here...?

0 1

???: I see you took an intrest in me... I never expected to meet one of my kind here... *It said with a stoic-emotionless face*

0 1

???: Well... Possessing is half right... It's more of working together...

Teresa: Wait, she looks familiar... Is that Linda?!

Darla: But, she looks different...?

0 1

All 3 of them: S-Sorry, we didn't mean to-

*??? appears from the dark*

???: What's going on here...

All 3 of them: AAHH!😱

0 1

*They both look at each other for a moment*

All 3 of them: S-Sure...

*Then ??? appear from the dark*

???: What's the problem...

All 3 of them: AHHH!😱

0 1

???: Sure... Come to our home anytime when you want to spar with us... But fair warning, I am rougher and serious, unlike my other half...

So whenever you do, don't hold back when you're sparring with me...

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