IDW’s ‘Star Trek: Boldly Go’ To Pick Up Where ‘Star Trek: Beyond’ Leaves Off [SDCC 2016]

11 25

[ ♥ LOTTERIE ♥ ] Gagnez un portrait sketch ~
• Follow + RT
Début • [20/07/2016] à 14h15
Fin • [21/07/2016] à 15h00

97 35

Bryan Lee O'Malley Announces 'Worst World', A New Trilogy Of Graphic Novels [SDCC 2016]

36 40

1:sea side波打際[2016] / 2:rainbow虹の入り江[2015] / 3:umi loopうみループ[2015] / 4:Ancientいにしえ[2012] 過去スクラッチ絵 海の絵〜 

43 141

Magi OCs, which were honestly bound to happen from the moment I started the series

4 7

The Greedy CYAN 3 : The Egocentric Stain

1 0

Josh • rainy raleigh, n carølina [#ERS2016]
via fb

6 17

An obligatory doodle of the new fave/cosplan

2 3

박재범, 사이먼 도미닉, 로꼬, 그레이 / [BARREL THE VIBES 2016] - 2016. 07. 09. (토) 18:00~ LIVE HALL (구 악스홀)

351 274

The best dads for the Father's Day!

2 4

[#PIC] [#LOE2016] 160424
» Chicago «
| © sailor_fox_ (IG)

29 25

Three drawings in one day today, I'm amazed by how fucked up my motivation is

2 1

And the colored version!

2 5

"Linsia Sayoko" (Original Character) - [1/13/2016]

0 0

VKiryu has been officially named! It's Parallelshipping!

1 3