"Indio Porcupine"
Óleo 200x160
Año 2016
Por Mar Marín

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After hours of struggling with character sheets, welcome your favorite weird art student Vexx to the class of 200X DnD campaign.

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90 minute at our art club - Bramble Flowers. 200x200cm on boxed canvas.

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TLで日和の話が出てたから昔の絵を晒していくよ_(:3 」∠ )_

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close up shot of 'Bush Plum Dreaming' 200x150 cm
Polly Ngale


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Yes! Still i wait for the Ice Armor He-Man to have a Classics figure! It is my favorite 200X variant! And he should come with the Ice Axe!

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'Fight' by Mariano Lastiri (oil on canvas, 200x250cm, 2016) online art

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I think more simplify/exaggerate is not bad idea in such limited pixels, here's my crappy examples in 240x160 and 200x200..

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Dalí & Gala Portraits Acrylic on Canvas 200x140cm by Javier Peña - https://t.co/OQ5xK2xPSD via

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戦闘中に悪い効果のあるアイテムを無理やり装備させてくる敵ってあんまり見ない気がする。装備を外すとかその辺でも十分レアではあるけど。 ただ少なくとも200Xのデフォ戦の場合、戦闘中に装備を変えられても再変更以前に確認のしようがない

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close up shot of by KUDDITJI KNGWARREYE My Country 200x150cm https://t.co/OfsBeUTnSC

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New painting. 200x160cm oil on canvas. Attempting to break the image down through the pain… https://t.co/t2QU86ROVW

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