My turn! I've learned a lot and taught myself a whole lot since back then.. This is probably one of the best pieces of artwork I thought I did back in 2009, and perhaps one of the better pieces I did this year!

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Man, you don't notice incremental progress. Seeing ten years' difference side-by-side puts progress into perspective.

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i wish I could properly do but the first digital piece i can find of mine was from 2012... have no real dates for traditional pieces! i'll post my 2019 art summary soon, too

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Hello everyone
Well ... it's not that 2009 but it's from 2013, Same OC BUT IN DIFFERENT YEARS

in 2013 if I drew badly

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So much has happened between then and now...If i saw my latest finished piece back when i was 16 I would have Lost My Damn Mind. Back then I was so confident in my abilities. I wish I could take that with me still but im burdened by knowledge :')

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I feel down on my art a lot of times, but MAN I am forever glad I never stopped drawing. And I hope I never do. (Believe it or not, this is the same character lmao. My first ever drawing to my latest). Onwards!

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god what was i even doing a decade ago this is embarassing

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Here's to another year of :)

(That last one is a zine piece so I can only post the preview here, but I think it's my favourite!)

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I've been seeing this go around so I figured I should do it before the year ends lol!

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A year of improvement 🥰 I can’t believe how much rounds have changed. I need to find my super old drawings too lol. My lingerie still needs work but the lewd stuff has gotten much better lol

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Not QUITE a decade just yet but 2010 ==> 2019. That first one was made in Deviantart Muro of all things so it's potentially at a slight disadvantage

(I'll post my usual Year In Review soon... The December piece is a spoiler...)

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I can't BELIEVE I was able to turn up enough art to do the entire decade but here we are lmao

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Always fun to look back on what I created throughout the year. Felt like a pretty damn productive year! I made a commitment to draw for at least an hour every day ^_^ I wasn't perfect but there were very very few days that I missed.

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I painted the fairy on the left after visiting the World of Froud exhibition at artgallery and the one on the right ten(ish) years later!

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