Grand Ivory's animations haven't been nearly as hard to work on as Ducades. Mostly just because his attacks revolve around memorizing his beat and pacing patterns but regardless dude has the fewest ammount of individual sprite frames.

9 21

Promethea, do Alan Moore e J.H. Williams III, do que eu li, tem o mais incrível projeto de design e diagramação de páginas. Tudo a serviço da história. Um desbunde.

11 67

Steinmeier gratuliert Iran – Kritik auch vom Zentralrat der Juden“

0 1

Status update on
General Ducade is fully programmed into the game. Despite my recent issues I still consider him one of my favorite opponents in the game, both in how he fights and in his artwork. Can't wait till y'all can fight him in the next demo!

8 24


0 1

Bundesgerichtshof stärkt Position der VW-Kunden“

1 3

„Staatsanwaltschaft Konstanz:
Zweifel an Spenderliste der AfD“

20 40

„Bundeswehr-Untersuchungsausschuss zu Berateraffäre:
Neue Vorwürfe zu Vetternwirtschaft und Betrug gegen Beratungsfirma“

1 2

Genderwahnsinn! Seit Begin der Bundesrepublick bewährt: die Rentenformel für Frauen.

3 6

„Finanzierungslücke des Bundes bei 25 Milliarden Euro:
Sparvorstoß von Finanzminister Scholz“

3 5

„Jahresbericht über Bundeswehr:
Wehrbeauftragter kritisiert Mangelwirtschaft“

2 3

„SPD in neuen Bundesländern:
Tief im Osten soll pberwunden werden“

1 9

„Plan für Kohleausstieg steht:
Bundesregierung gibt sich Mühe, Zuversicht zu verbreiten“

3 1

Back on track with working on adding the rest of the boxers now that everything's all polished up. General Ducade is coming along smoothly, although he still has Alpha's AI. Just wanted to get the animations in for now!

16 37

I just learned about the Virtual Eagle (Virtueller Adler) of the German Bundestag xD He answers your questions on their webpage. Practically a mascot. Lol.

I wish he was animated by rather tho xD

3 16