I'am so Happy to have two of my fan-arts to be hanged office😱 as for their collection.

70 316

god damn i wish there was another game where you could go back and save rachel

0 3

Began first pass shading for Chloe's hair.
Completed first pass shading on her arm and bodice.
First pass shading on her face has not begun yet.
Examples with no colour, and colour with and without tattoo/makeup are below.

11 87

is awesome so I did a bit of fan art.

36 158

Fuknutz. It'll have to do. It's the makeup of someone who rarely applies makeup but is making an effort in this case and may or may not be doing an ok job. That's our right there. Making an effort for
And I can now move on instead of being stuck on it.

2 4

Attempt at makeup for going to prom.

1 8

More or less done with the tattoo I think.
I'm happy enough with how it it curves around her upper arm and shoulder.
Still to do: Finalize the eye, start the shading, figure out the background and any other embellishments.

4 20

Made some further refinements to her hair. Haven't gone back to redoing the eye yet. Made a start on the tattoo. Ugh.
The bodice will NOT remain brown in the final piece. Probably.
Now I'm going to go finish finally

0 11

Started first color drafts for Chloe. I spent more time on the eye than anything else (which you can't even see) and it will be revised still. Haven't even started thinking about the tattoo yet.
When I'm done, she'll be looking Hella Cash.

0 12

some sticker designs I did a little while back!

9 39

After some self-doubt about this piece in general, I've finally started working on it properly again! Here you can see background shadows without and with the background.
I'm really hoping to have it done either today or tomorrow.

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