I must share this software with all of Comfydants!
"Live2DViewerEX" of steam
There is fu chen modelling! Let's go!!

11 113

today's fuuchan's stream be like:

2 21

Take this Sheep Power!!!⚡️
Thank you !! We broke Fuu-chan!!

827 6682

We love fu chan and legatus sama!!😘😘

58 394

Part 4 Breath of the Wild Fuuchan Chibi Shennanigans!

I was slow this week, some stuff happened but the comfydants and my besties were there to get my mind off things.


70 913

《the light from NOCTYX》

Comfydants with you.

7 24

Doodle paint of and just being cute together.

Okey time to focus back on work bye-

10 139

Kinsheep had such a lovely time today, watching the LAM bros enjoying Smash together <3 What a welcoming sheep pile!

17 175

Here's my take on the Kinsheeps/Comfydreds. People in Fu-chan's smash stream chat were so creative with the names, they are so cute. TvT

13 112

Lam Bro power and here we are(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

“KinSheep” is sooooo cute OMG(つД`)ノ

17 58

I love Fulgur Ovid Karaoke pre-chat
Needed to give our lightstick a true form

18 134

We're here and we're ready!
I love this community so much, let's goooo! 🔧🐑🥖

9 70