The is feeling very generous and has also extended the closing date for the art competition until Judging our art comp. is

There are some great entries coming in. Great book prizes from

3 7


1 8

i remember Easter Stalker
old fan art like 2 years
in those easter.... there will be sweet consequences

12 69

Easters coming up so fast, needed me some Dust bunny to make it through 😤

67 429

4/7 能力 主人公補正
9 姫乃ちゃんに恋はまだ早い
10 君は放課後インソムニア ワンナイト・モーニング 放課後さいころ倶楽部 人間のいない国
11 王様ランキング
15 ヒナまつり ぎゅぎゅっと高橋
27 わるいあね 昭和天皇物語
*Images are quoted from

0 2

Since Easters coming up here soon, I decided to keep with the theme of making pixel holiday icon packs. So here's a little sneak peak of what I'm working on

0 1

no es que sea un fan de beasters de hecho me llega a aburrir los personajes, pero un amigo me pidio aserle un dibujo asi que aca esta angel, pq no me pagaste la comision pero eres amigo y te perdono

3 11

Again some Laia stay save my dear friends while being under quarantine !

2 15

Did a small new Oc. called Laia she‘s an oc from a anime called Beasters damn i love that anime !

2 22

3/23 風太郎不戦日記
25 不器用な先輩。 薬屋のひとりごと
26 HGに恋するふたり
30 江戸城再建 バイ・スプリング
4/7 能力 主人公補正
10 君は放課後インソムニア
11 王様ランキング
15 ヒナまつり ぎゅぎゅっと高橋
*Images are quoted from

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2 28

Beastars launches March 13th on Worldwide Netflix

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