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Hello Hello. I will be opening 3 more slots for now. If you are interested, please send a DM. Prices are pinned on my page https://t.co/ecVrhIaLcr
Le puse color a la máscara para ver como quedaba (y también si parecía menos spidy jsjs)
Originalmente el traje y máscara sería morada, pero no combinan mucho los colores con el cabello.
年賀状コンクールで第三賞!3º Premio no Concurso de Nengajô do @xap_eoivigo con motivo do ano do coello. 兎の上り坂 🐰#ilustratecto #illustration #nengajô #ねんがじょう #年賀状 #conejo #うさぎ #兎 #卯 #干支 #明けましておめでとうございます #日本語 #xaponeseoidevigo #vigo #第三賞
뭔가 유튜브에서도 트위터에서도 자꾸 흔적주셔서 내적 친밀감 드는 외국 밈 유튜버
Hello. I came across you often on Twitter or YouTube, so I drew it. I like your picture and video.
+ I used a translator because I couldn't speak English.
Raffaello. Sacra Famiglia sotto la quercia. Dipinto più dettaglio. Vedere singolarmente. Prado.
Raffaello. Sacra Famiglia La Perla. Prado. Dipinto più due dettagli. Stupenda. Vedere singolarmente.
Raffaello. Deposizione. Dipinto più tre dettagli. Galleria Borghese. Visionare singolarmente.
@shareocs Hello. I am Nub, a human who exists.
I draw OCs and the occasional dragon or Splatoon variant of an OC.
@oddingly_jpeg Hello. I'm Disruppt, and I make a variety of stuff, but mostly digital art. I often participate in a multitude of fandoms, and my style is still developing.
I look forward to future interactions with you.
(Most of my recent works are still in progress)
@NFTKingForever Hello. I have a cool collection of greek gods that will have 15 art
@ppslayer_vtube Hello. Just wanna say thank you for this opportunity !
@ardavan_ Hello. I am a NFT creator from Japan.
Recently, I've been working on AI, and I've created something cool and cute, so please let me advertise it!
【Japanese Rock Girls】
@ManlnTheBrowser Hello. I'm Lowpics.
I mainly draw buff dudes.
Here's my ocs i drew.
(I also make Fantasy AU)