From our collections: William Wadd (surgeon to George IV)'s 'Comments on Corpulency' (1829)

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From our collections, 'Photographs of Leprosy' ,by A F Anderson (1872)

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Muscles of the right orbit from 'Anatomy of the Human Body' by Henry Gray, 1918.

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'Pelvic bones of an adult male, a fetus and an abnormal adult female' by Nicolas Henri Jacob 1831.

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Hey Gallery Event and Talk on and Anesthesia, Nov. 19th 6pm

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Teaching model of a fetus, (ca. 1890-1920) from Duke Libraries' History of Medicine Collections

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Pietro Andrea Mattioli (1572), an encyclopaedia of Renaissance pharmacology

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Cataloguing our pics and we have a few we don't know - if anyone has a clue who they are we'd love to hear!

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James Kennaway on fashionable 18th c. stomach complaints. RCPE, Edinburgh 14 Oct.

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1659, Christopher Wren suggested to Robert Boyle that opium could be put into the bloodstream using a quill.

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1659, Christopher Wren suggested to Robert Boyle that opium could be put into the bloodstream using a quill.

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Likely to sunburn? Skip the purgative, go for the cream!

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From an 1882 promotional -- today's sun was 1.5 hours late and a poem to promote bowel health.

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Learn more about this patent medicine sold in Cleveland, hint: NOT FOR KIDS!

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TOMORROW: Tools for Tots, a talk on the rise of birth technologies! at , 6PM

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of nasal polyp from 'Principles of Surgery' by John Bell,1801. Read more at

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Muscles of the back of the neck from 'Muscles of the human body', edited by Jones Quain, 1836.

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