Shiro patriotico

hace rato no te hacia un dibujo <3

21 334

I love Goliath. You love Goliath. Is anyone out there who doesn't love Goliath? The answer is no. I really think Dami and Rae would spend an entire afternoon just hanging around with this guy.

2 12


Instagramにて、本日は さんがカウントダウン🗣❤️


3 18

Commission for 😊❤️ Damian and Raven in Ancient Egypt

41 188

Head empty, no thoughts only

10 52

Pokoknya inget aja kata2 Mirae yang ini, benar2 membantu banget kalo udah kesel sama orang yg keknya nih org ga mau kalah, gabisa dibilangin. Serius, ga akan dapet apa2 ngobrol sama org model begitu.

1 0

DamiRae Week 2021 Day 6 ✨Alternate Universe ✨Harry Potter at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

I know, Damirae week is over but I wanted to do this drawing.

54 224

Well was a HUGE success. Tons of new fanfics and fan arts this year. We couldn't be more grateful to all the wonderful creators for contributing! It was an absolute blast, you guys never cease to amaze! ❤️#damirae

9 60