This was a gift painted for Momafoxx on - it was her birthday recently! I drew her a Moma fox with a little baby :)

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22.5” x 30” charcoal, pastel, watercolor and gouache on paper

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We're entering the final week of at MoMA, closing on Monday, Feb 18, and continuing at MoMA PS1 through Feb 25. Trace the artist’s relentless experimentation with perceptions of time, space, movement, and language:

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Decay (self-portrait), watercolor on paper, 2017 By Chun Wang... via

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Played with combo of analog & digital tools in latest sketch. Under drawing in graphite, color application in digital. Almost want to print it out and take it back into analog... ©️Stark 2019

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# art # painting # by MoMa Art #

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# art # painting # by MoMa Arts #

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.art (MFA) ・・・
Watercolor, after Cezanne's Boy in a Red Vest at MoMA.

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"Q Concept" Workstation by Steelcase (1997)
Design: Martin Bone & IDEO Team

The Y2K era generated a ton of "future workplace" concepts, keeping in with the dot-com boom and techno-utopian atmosphere.

Added to SF MOMA’s permanent collection in 2002.

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SubmissionFriday: “Woodbreaker”Oil on CanvasIris... via

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Mind Over Matter、Web即売会APOLLOに参加しております!今日まで1stアルバムを1,000円にて頒布中!

The Greatful Flow & Changing Scenery | Mind Over Matter(MOMa)

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Mind Over Matter、Web即売会APOLLOに参加しております!明日までの二日間、1stアルバムを1,000円にて頒布中!ご試聴やスキ!だけでもぜひどうぞ!

The Greatful Flow & Changing Scenery | Mind Over Matter(MOMa)

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【新商品】MoMAコレクションに収蔵されているアーティストの作品が楽しめる2019年カレンダー。この壁掛けカレンダーには、Pablo Picasso(パブロ・ピカソ)の12の作品が描かれています。

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