More 2023 Transformers Listings Discovered – Studio Series Voyager WFC Megatron/ROTB Rhinox & Core DOTM Bumblebee/ROTB Hydra

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If I wanted to meet a damned terrorcon-pirate, then only this one☠️

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hmm, I personally went with wreckgar for my version, but that was mostly so he would scale more with megatron, for...... reasons

5 34

Like Megatron say
He don't bite

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Just a couple funny memes I made while I was writing my Megatronic Buzz Writing Episode.

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Chill stream, putting in some solid shapes on the top generator floor of the Megatron Power Facility.


Thanks for the raid . Passed everyone along to , on a first playthrough of Hydroneer.

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in Energon, Demolishor's character arc revolving around his uncertainty with the Decepticon cause gets resolved by having him sacrifice himself for Megatron and resurrected without memories.

He spends the rest of the show doing nothing but beating his chest and smashing things.

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the ROTF Movie Universe guidebook and the comic adaptation state that Megatron is a Triple Changer that alternates between his robot, jet, and tank modes, but there is nothing to support this in the movie, where he simply turns into a flying tank. (2009)

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why DOES this mirror the overlord-megatron fight..? i feel like there's a reason I'm missing.

but also, cyclonus is very much the real deal to drift's bluff. I like that, hah. these two characters feeling so distinct despite sharing a lot of conceptual stuff is cool.

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Okay for this, I remember watching one of the episodes for Transformers Prime where Starscream clones himself to try and kill Megatron, for this I decided to imagine that Starscream didn't have as much energon for the last clone, so instead he accidentally made this little guy,

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You-know-who is poking their head up again, so as a peace offering I'd like to share this fanart I did of Megatron offering Cy-Kill a lovely bouquet of flowers.

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So I've done many Transformers fanart around 2011-2014 which is the time when I first got to learn about digital painting. Great memories haha😆 also most of them are from TFP. TFP the best!

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【How to put Megatron into the refrigerator】

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Yeah I think that's what the reference is. Same can be said for Megatron's later paint job in Armada, being based off of Beast Wars Megatron or Galavtron from G1

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