[AU JAPON] Le tome 27 de Hinomaru Sumo qui sort cette semaine au Japon sera l'avant-dernier... 🥺
Mais il nous reste encore 10 volumes sur lesquels travailler avant de les partager avec vous et ça, c'est une chouette nouvelle ! 💜

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“By manipulating surface of polyester prints using mixed media techniques of collage and embroidery I explore concepts of past and present-day colonialism, and notions of provenance as it relates to origin, authorship and ownership.”—Shervone Neckles, Grenadian artist based in NY

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My detailed maps of present-day and inspired by early 20th century guidebook maps 👉 https://t.co/vu9kDDdu51

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"This was all a cruel angel's thesis from the start
Brought to life, out the window now it's taking flight
Scorching pathos if you betray your memory
Follow this deviant-divine philosophy"


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My newest Atlas doodle compared to my two oldest/first drawings of him!! I’m so emotional thinking about how far he’s come from the first game to current-day ;v;

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Paint-decorated Valley of Virginia blanket chest. The paint is attributed to John Huddle (1772-1839) sometime between 1825 & 1830. It sold for $17,700 (est. $4000/8000) at https://t.co/PLfTAsF9Hd

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paint-doodlin some basira/daisy smooches while watching the thing..... normal friday night

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Une nouvelle page de Prince Déchu est disponible sur , l'avant-dernière de ce chapitre !

Si ça vous plait, n'hésitez pas à aimer et commenter sur le site pour soutenir le manga !


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228 years ago: Slaves in Saint-Domingue gather at Bois Caïman for a secret ceremony, kicking-off the Haitian Revolution.
How it helped end the French slave trade in Chapter 26 of my well-timed

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L’église Saint-Denis, Lyons-la-forêt
Paul Emile Pissarro (Francese, 1884 - 1972)
Data: 1930

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1 EXAMシステム
2 HADESシステム
4 NT-D

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ユニコーンのシンプルで無駄のないデザインが好き( ´ ` )

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in 1793, His Majesty’s Ship Mississauga prepared to sail for present-day Toronto, where John Graves Simcoe would envision a future fort and settlement named York.


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" Lady with Umbrella ", 1929

Nathan Altman , ( 1889 Vinnitsa - 1970 Leningrad ), Jewish painter, born in Vinnytsia, in the Podolia Governorate of the Russian Empire (present-day Ukraine),to a family of Jewish merchants..

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Tulip paint-decorated poplar dome-top box, first half of the 19th century, painted green with red and yellow leafage, sold for $11,250 (est. $3000/5000) at

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“On the pages set on present-day Earth, precise inks give 's pencils and layouts a brilliant super-hero sheen. Andy's colors are beautiful and understated, giving the line-work center stage.” - , AHOY Comics Editor-in-Chief on SECOND COMING

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Rachel turnaround - this basement-dwelling, cheeky little piglet has a knack for robotics and likes to tinker with all sorts of mechanisms and machinery. Jerry's (more or less) estranged sibling.

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La grande fête du livre pour la jeunesse avec et se déroulera du 10 au 21 juillet prochain avec la participation du Salon du Livre et de la presse jeunesse en Seine-Saint-Denis

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The Solar Echoes universe is a fun but it also involves realistic themes based on present-day problems. These ethical and moral quandaries are embodied in the societies of 7 different alien cultures. Prophetic (part 4) https://t.co/5md7Nts5Gf

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