✨Felices fiestas y que tengáis un gran 2019🎄

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Ep! No us perdeu aquesta tarda (19 h) el Concert de Nadal del Cor de Dones de Claudefaula i el Cor de dones de l'ARC. Es fa a l'Auditori Josep Irla de la seu de la Generalitat de Catalunya a Girona. No hi podeu faltar!

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Bon Nadal i Feliç 2019, carregat d'il·lusions, reptes, èxits i molt d'ART!

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Hoy es día de enviar el tradicional Christmas digital (tan cercano, tan hogareño él...😅).
¡Felices Fiestas! Joyeux Noël! Merry Christmas! Bon Nadal a tothom!

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Got distracted and did something for myself for the first time in a while and drew childhood Oliver and Harper. I like to think they might’ve been childhood friends.

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Un bon regal? B A R E C U per Nadal! 🎄✨

Tenim 2 VALS REGAL: un per 40€ amb celler a banda, i un altre a 50€ tot inclòs! Podeu trucar-nos al 663 409 071 per a + info o per preparar els vostres vals!🎁

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. és una marca de joguines dedicada a l'educació, el desenvolupament i la creativitat dels més petits. Estàs a temps de comprar-los per Nadal! Del 14 al 16/12 els trobaràs al https://t.co/X63wunGvy6

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Nadalia, an old character of mine. A benevolent wanderer from a strange world

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A few texture details from "Crimson in the sky" that I posted some days ago...
acrylic on canvas - 60x60x4,5 cm (23"x23"x1,7")
€ 500 - to purchase > https://t.co/VNe1SplffS

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A few juicy details from "A shiver in the air" that I posted in all its glory yesterday... yum yum! 😋 (I promise: I will not lick the canvas... 😂)

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Draw-tober Day1: Autumn Leaves. I'm at least gonna try and sketch something each day, but I'd like to make a finished painting at some point. Here's my boys enjoying my favorite season <3

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I love how this cremisi stands out on the indigo blue and the aqua green!
Guess the title? 😉
acrylic on canvas € 500 - to purchase > https://t.co/yjAT9tf4qM

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"Strange woods" ... surreal, exuberant, uncontainable, but tender in colors...
30 x 30 cm - € 150 > to purchase visit: https://t.co/VdlHeDalHg

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since the Chibis were such a big hit with people I got a ton of work for it! So out of supreme appreciation to and for commissioning me I painted them a 40cm by 50cm canvas od the chibis, sent over to them in Canadaland! Thank again you dorks!

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An explosion of lights and flowers in all the shades of aquamarine and deep blue
"Small lights, small flowers" - 60 x 60 cm - € 450 > DM or email for info

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Im WEEPING when will Yokai Watch 3 come to Canadaland...

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Great Saturday morning artist’s talk by Dick Croft. Taught me at Annadale GS. Very consistent output of the highest quality. Impressive exhibition

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