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일러스트 엽서 & 파트너 등록증

엽서 및 등록증 일러스트를 그려주신 Rov님 (@ roventus), 디자인에 도움을 주신 나선님 (@ M33__NGC598)과 12월님 (@ 55oomay) 감사합니다 🙏

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バラ星雲 NGC2237 NGC2244

BORG77EDII 510mm f6.6 トリミング
ZWO ASI 294MC Pro -20℃
ZWO Duo Band Filteフィルター
ASIAIR PRO gain390 Bin1 ライブスタック 60秒×25枚
スカイメモRS 1軸オートガイド


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capturingthecosmos: The Mountains of NGC 2174 via NASA https://t.co/TthItsdQXD

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California Nebula 🔭📷 +30h HaRGB

Catalogued as NGC1499, it's a huge emission nebula located in the Perseus constellation. It's located 1.500 lights-years away from Earth & it's around 100 light-years long, occupiying an angular size in the night sky of several full moons 🌚

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: A sunny side up egg, NGC 7742, is a Seyfert 2 active galaxy: Img1 inverted https://t.co/cS8oCTULAK Img2 https://t.co/CsJhrsBN3Z Img3 R/B-band color composite image from Second Digitized Sky Survey DSS2

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A gauche : la galaxie NGC 5775 observée par le télescope spatial Hubble

A droite, la même galaxie à laquelle on a superposé les données sur son champ magnétique, déduites des observations du radiotélescope VLA

Source : https://t.co/WLKGv9vweE

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is a young, bright open cluster of stars located in the Small Magellanic Cloud (#SMC), a satellite to the Milky Way. It includes many young O and B but it's also the cover of my latest 📚 👉https://t.co/LR2ZXEMf1Y


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Last images

1-Central NGC 1316: After Galaxies Collide https://t.co/SrPLA8K35a
2-Massive Nearby Spiral Galaxy NGC 2841 https://t.co/R4czfCCvIN
3-Recycling Cassiopeia A https://t.co/mXxv3FLAwP
4-The Milky Ring https://t.co/T2CW8zGOEG

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NGC 4535: Galaxies NGC 4535 (top left) & 4526 https://t.co/aL8Wq5SIKD Img2 NGC 4535 https://t.co/Z1gDOw1Rut Img3 More on Massive star population of the Virgo Cluster galaxy NGC 4535 https://t.co/ShwDX2Yv8b https://t.co/fKHO0igAVq

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오늘의 천문 TMI : 여러분이 알고 있는 가장 큰 산은 무엇인가요? 에베레스트 산이나 화성의 올림푸스 산을 떠올리진 않으셨나요? 여기 우주적 스케일을 자랑하는 산을 소개합니다. NGC 2174는 이 지역에서 새롭게 태어난 별들의 항성풍으로 인해 불려져나간 가스와 먼지로 쌓인 6광년 크기의 우주 산

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'The Mountains of NGC 2174' image from the

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It is worth having a look at the latest

1-Jets from Galaxy Centaurus A https://t.co/si8JUVP5o9
2-The Mountains of NGC 2174 https://t.co/V7Ay8I0Oe9
3-A Plutonian Landscape https://t.co/YPBSy6cnyo
4-Aurora Slathers Up the Sky https://t.co/ZJrTcJhRPC

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NASA Picture of the Day: The Mountains of NGC 2174


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This fantastic skyscape lies near the edge of NGC 2174 a star forming region about 6,400 light-years away in the nebula-rich constellation of Orion. It follows mountainous clouds of gas and dust carved by winds and radiation from the region's newborn stars https://t.co/lu3vNBhuml

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