Sal Fisher Chibis! If I ever have a store, I will 100% put these up as either keychains or stickers!

1 25

// knives (blood in the alt version in replies)

not mcyt related but here's Sal Fisher:D
i've been having heavy sally face brainrot so expect a possibility of more sally face fanart in the future 👍

21 154

So I've been watching the game play of Sally face and decided to draw koo as sally

2 6

Some Sally face art to calm the soul

1 8

Sally face and Travis fanart. How original of me. Took 3 hours

1 21

/ blood , implied abuse

travis sally face my beloved + sai practice

14 133

Entao assim, esses dias eu tava reassistindo sally face (n tenho dinheiro pra realmente compra o jogo) e eu tava sem desenhar entao neh

0 12

Travis Phelps de Sally Face! Eu simplesmente amo esse garoto.

(pspsps abre a imagem! 😳)

4 19

tw // blood , knife

i drew some sally face bc i was listening to the banger soundtrack

8 59

sorry... another one. its just that i have one of the SF songs in my playlist and every time i hear it i just stop whatever im doing at the moment and draw sal.

54 285

/ blood

regressing back to 12 years old

34 273