The mystic shell kept the woman both trapped and entranced while the gifts and baubles ensured she had something to focus on instead of the golden bubble that was in effect her cage.
Come see the angel of the gods, look on her beauty and the delights..

8 52

The two women stood back to back.
"I told you this was a trap aimed at separating groups," the mage hissed angrily.
"Don't take it out on me, I agreed with you, it's why we are together & the others went to activate the other pulley," protested the blonde

10 58

He sat in the middle of the battlefield surveying the area like some kind of ruler as oppose to an angel. Around him for miles the ground was littered with the dead. Demons, and other creatures of chaos for the most part, yet the sight and smell did not...

3 25

Her companion looked at the fountain waters expectantly when she mentioned scrying on the others. Instead her wings curled up to formal an oval behind her and it was there the image started to form until they could see the first of their friends

5 29

The man looked on his face stoic and his arms crossed. Clearly he did not think anything would come from this nonsense but then he had never dealt with a true Fortune Teller before. For her part, she simply ignored and the negative energy coming from him..

18 74

The very heaves seemed to roll with fire as clouds turned the colour of smoke or were highlighted in shade of red and orange from the flames burning behind and within them. In the middle of it all she appeared, stern of face yet majestic, her wings beating

9 47

She looked around at the ruins of the temple, there was very little left of the place she once called home until the time of her death and ascension. The land had mostly reclaimed it but as she walked through the field in her mind's eye she still saw

11 62

she sat in the glade letting the peace & tranquillity of wash over her and trying not to look or think about the sword before her. She had come her to promote, love and knowledge. To help the town live in peace with one another & the creatures around them

8 35