Fraldarabbasdfiodsji I drew last month for stickers but I"m too lazy to actually produce them lmfao mb...later....

241 481

I say this every time but I’m gonna try to be more active on Twitter. Here’s a drawing of from the series.

0 3

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the take over of the US embassy in Tehran, a most ignoble event and a violation of international law and basic mores of decency. Abbas' photographs of that historic moment have become iconic. (photos courtesy of Magnum Photos)

2 17

Bien avant Copernic ou Galilée, l'astronomie avait connu en terre d'Islam des avancées phénoménales. Des Abbassides aux Ottomans, découvrez la première partie d'une histoire riche en Hommes et inventions.

40 92

I'll probably never finish this, so just in case... Look at these bruabbas

224 745

"Battle of Karbala" - Abbas Al-Musavi. Battle of Karbala, late 19th-early 20th century. Oil on canvas, 68 1/2 × 133 in., 104 lb. (174 × 337.8 cm, 47.17kg).

1 5

Ultimo appuntamento con Jazzè Pedrocchi: mercoledì 23 ottobre - ore 21:30 GianniI Cazzola “Three Generations”
Didier Yon (trombone), Alberto Bonacasa (pianoforte), Alex Orciari (contrabbasso), Gianni Cazzola (batteria)

1 1

I havent posted here in a while so here are some abbas

119 359

Hey y'all, I know its been a while since I've posted anything, I've been having severe art block, along with other heavy things. BUT, I'm better now and got done with the fighters Bonnie & Stitri, their secretary Pee-Bee, and their teacher Yabbashael.

2 7

Watercolor work in Half Imperial
Great watercolorartist ali abbas syed

3 19

second wip!

4 67

10 days left to apply for the we are running in partnership with

Speakers & Workshop leaders include -

Info -

11 12

Master Plan
Abbas Abad-1974


📷_1 anotaciones de Kahn
📷_2 análisis relaciones
📷_3 bocetos iniciales de los edificios del ministerio gobernación
📷_4 boceto tráfico urbano

11 15

Ibn Firnas' designs would undoubtedly have been an inspiration for famed Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci’s hundreds of years later.
📸Artistic impressions of Abbas ibn Firnas and his successful 9th-century flight, 1001 Inventions.

21 46

Œuvre 250/365
Sabbas Apterus
Ces morts vivants semblent venir tout droit d'un monde où la seule luxure est celle de la torture et de la folie. Leur regard vide accentue cette sensation de frénésie qui nous déstabilise.

42 157

ALI, par ABBAS, photographe de l'agence
Rafael Ortiz / Hiroyuki Ooshima / Séverine Tréfouël et moi, un peu...
/ Octobre 2019

Un album réalisée chez

84 304

right next to abbas head ! but more specif hes in a set of layers

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