There Are Always Be Light

I Always Want To Try This Night Screen Because I Love It

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Oh hey-Logan’s back in the mansion for the first time since losing his adamantium! And guess who’s also there...

(Also good lord Andy Kubert 😳😳😳)

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An artfight dump!

The first, Masaru, was done for CyberroxX!

The second, Madame Tanushki, was done for Sourdeer

The third, Vryheid, was for Adamantine

The fourth, Dapylil, was for

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E quando ela destruiu uma cadeira inibidora de poder feita dos metais mais resistentes do mundo - adamantium e vibranium!

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a sphinx you can solve the riddle or ....

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❌ Wolverine Adamantium Rage ❌

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Absolutamente nadie:
Yo: poniéndome un disfraz de diamantito para jiji te jamo

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How to deal with a too large table cloth. Bramantino's extraordinary Philemon and Baucis.

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bust art raffle prizes for the lovely peeps who joined by DTIYS art event on IG

aurora from beautiful darkness for grinnygrimmy on IG
murolate on IG
and Hades the dog for YvetteCamantiles on IG

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It's adamantine half plate so I imagine it looks something like this

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i'll show of a few of my DA and TES OCs :3
Katari Adaar, the Vasoth Mercenary
Kiraji Ahjan, the stabby stab deadly assassing khajiit
J'Mei Ahjan, the sneaky archer thief khajiit who is also my dnd character lol
Marina Amantia, my desire demon in disguise, that is her "meat" form

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Sul finire dell'Ottocento una ricchissima signora statunitense chiese al pittore Carl Kahler di ritrarre i suoi affetti più grandi: 42 gatti, tra l'altro solo alcuni dei tanti che aveva. Il titolo che volle per il quadro è "Gli amanti di mia moglie", per scherzare come suo marito

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Vale lo intente x"D
Tenia bloqueo asi que decidi hacer el de la bella y quize probar otro tipo de coloreado uwu💕💛
El de Candy quedo hermosisimo afsdafsd f<3💙💕

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hice otro dtiys wuuUUu
iba a ser un dibujo normal, pero me gustó la idea y se me ocurrió hacer un dtiys ugu
si alguien quiere hacerlo, que lo suba con el (no sabía que hashtag poner, perdón AJJSJAJAJ)

está feo aAAA

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Avec des petits nyans on a dessiné des Pokemons a partir de créatures et types au pif! Il y avait:

-Coq Combat
-Lamantin Feu
-Tortue Acier
-Loup du cosmos Vol

On avait 20 minutes pour chacun, voilà ce que j'ai fais.

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Gli amanti quelli veri, non
condividono un letto ma
custodiscono un segreto.

Pablo Neruda

Buonanotte ❤️


Umberto Boccioni 🎨

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Ultraman Tiga

I Remember My First Ultraman, Tiga Is My First Ultraman That Sense I Was Little. I Rewatch This Series Again And I Love It So Much. That It For Today

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Gli spettacoli luminosi
Ti portino ingranditi
I Paradisi
Più maledetti
Ti giuro sentiremo
Una pura voluttà
Senza tanti contatti

Che rendono dementi
Tutti gli amanti
E puri come angeli
Canteremo le lodi
Della tua gran bellezza
Di Purezza


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