11) too many undateable side characters 😩

code realize - hansel
olympia soiree - tsukuyomi
bad apple wars - enishi
clock zero - rain

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Their name is Ansel, and I just started drawing in January, so I'm still trying to find a style I like :P

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Il Vizio di Tokyo.
Prodotta da il 7 Aprile debutterà su HBOMax nuova che ci trasporterà nei meandri meno conosciuti della tentacolare città asiatica, con e

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“… Pero la nube sólo floreció un instante:
Cuando volví a mirar, ya se había hecho viento.”
Bertolt Brecht
Art: Anselm Kiefer, Ex-sistence,1975

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Professor Ansel Turner, a kindly NPC who the party helped find the engagement ring he misplaced

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Paintings by English painter Mary Jane Ansell

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International Women’s Day
By Mary Jane Ansell 🇬🇧

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White lily (Lilium candidum), Anselmus Boëtius de Boodt, 1596 - 1610


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Laughing Bumblebee Orchid [Ophrys bombyliflora], Anselmus Boëtius de Boodt, 1596 - 1610


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I made a post on the FNF mods wiki (in off-topic) asking people to draw Jessy, these are the first four I've gotten so far. Image 1 by PinkyMaria999ALT, Image 2 by Cohnk Mahnrrr (my favorite one), Image 3 by Gait05 and image 4 by CyanSeleste.

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Ansel & her childhood sweetheart, Lucy Moonlighter! they're worsties now

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Some more bug designs!! Here's Anselme (first one) and Lucifer (second)
They are a son and father :)

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» Nouvelle Illustration Chibi ! Il s'agit de mon petit Hansel, qui n'est rien qu'autre mon bebou .w.
) 🤍✨


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Dylan and Hansel are gay 😏
And Dolly is so jealous...

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ランドセル ~その2~

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It’s well worth dropping in to Sothebys at the moment because they’ve got shedloads of great art on display including Degas, Antony Gormley, Anselm Kiefer, and a cow looking at the camera like she’s on The Office, by Fernand Leger.

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Hansel and Gretel 🎨 by Arthur Rackham

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