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[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 34
Blue Archive's official 4-panel manga with
Episode 34 features the After-School Sweets Club!
I wonder what limited-edition premium milk tastes like...

617 2953

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 33
Blue Archive's official 4-panel manga with
The Make-Up Work Club’s Boot Camp continues! It looks like Hifumi brought along some Momo Friends to camp!

940 3696

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 29
Blue Archive's official 4-panel manga with
Episode 29 also features Shanhaijing!
Saya's latest and greatest! What effects will it bring?

454 2391

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 28
Blue Archive's official 4-panel manga with .
Episode 28 is from Shanhaijing Senior Secondary School!
It looks like it's snack time at the Plum Blossom Garden!

728 3545

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 25
Blue Archive's official 4-panel manga with
The Prefect Team's summer training continues, pero!
The team's perfectionist Iori is demonstrating her shooting skills, pero!

568 3187

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 24
Blue Archive's official 4-panel manga with .
Ep. 24 features the Prefect Team busily preparing for training camp!
Warming up before swimming is essential!

944 4475

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 23
Blue Archive's official 4-panel manga with
Episode 23 is from the Game Development Department!
How do they spend the summer vacation in Millennium Science School?

890 3877

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 19
Here's Blue Archive's official 4-panel manga with .
Episode 19 features Problem Solver 68!
Just what secret is hidden within Aru's student ID?

699 3400

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 18
Here's Blue Archive's official 4-panel manga with .
Episode 18 is courtesy of the Tea Party, Trinity General School's student council!

775 2853

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 12
Here's Blue Archive's official 4-panel manga with .
Episode 12 features Sora from the Angel 24 convenience store!
I find her forehead to be charming!

593 3446

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 9
Here's the new Blue Archive official 4-panel manga with .
Episode 9 features the Millennium Science School Engineering Club!
Hmm... Maybe the judges they chose were a bit too strict.

614 2799

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 8
Here's Blue Archive's official 4-panel manga with .
The Allied Hyakkiyako Academy is excited for the Hyakkiyako Cherry Blossom Festival! But being Momoyodou's idol isn't as easy as it seems.

391 2390

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 3
Here’s Blue Archive's official 4-panel manga with .
Episode 3 features the School Lunch Club, in charge of tirelessly preparing lunch for Gehenna!

364 1586

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Episode 1
Introducing Blue Archive's official 4-panel manga with .
Episode 1 features the Abydos Foreclosure Task Force!

484 1935