4 fictional women who mean the world to me. Hokay. Agrias Oaks (Final Fantasy Tactics), Freya Crescent (FF9), Machiko Noguchi (Aliens vs Predator), and Windblade. (Transformers, how Mairghread Scott wrote her in IDW Comics exclusively. The other versions of her bore me.)

0 0

Hope it's not too much a bore.

0 3

Less is a bore(少ないほど退屈である)というタイトルのポストモダン建築集。

アンチミニマリストのロバート・ベンチューリの「Less is bore」から取っている。

もちろんミース・ファン・デル・ローエのLess is more(少ないほど豊かである)に対する皮肉。


11 87

Hinata always bore the worst brunt of all his demands. He refused to set to him, fought with him over their quick set, & they were always just fighting in general...

Wait, what?

52 559

I know I must bore you lot senseless with stuff like this. But I genuinely can't believe that a character I co-created is sharing magazine space with Harley Quinn, in the next issue which means Megatomic Battle Rabbit and are magazine buddies.

4 7

Sorry everyone, i'm just not feeling my art today. and nothing else I want to stream. so no stream tonight. I don't want to bore anyone or seem uninterested streaming something else. I do apologize for this.

0 0

bore suggested that i did sth with mouse while my pen was charging

i tried lmao i've p much forgotten how to but i wanted it to have form. I'm not gonna carry on and polish this as i have other stuff to draw so sdf

also i renembered it was

20 56

cuz I read this today so I -

"one hand he raised
To shield him from the sun, his wind-tossed hair
Was twined with flowers, and in his hand he bore" - Lord Alfred Douglas <Two Loves>

301 1186

“And being in anguish and despair Maedhros cast himself into a gaping chasm filled with fire, and so ended; and the Silmaril that he bore was taken into the bosom of the Earth.” — The Silmarillion

Artwork by Jenny Dolfen

44 150

Here's mine! Each movie I've seen like 949834659346 times and they still don't bore me. https://t.co/tGMqteVBva

0 0

Not a long time ago I played and replayed DA alone, with only one person to bore with my bullshit, and now I have 300 peeps at least willing to read it... That's a large audience for me 😻 thank you so much 💖💖

1 36

I should be drawing Important Commissions™ but I'm drawing a terrible bore

2 6

Beta Houndoom:

In Gold & Silver's 1997 demo, Houndoom was classified as pure Fire-type, and bore some subtle differences to his final design -- most notably, his cat-like eyes.

1. Demo sprite recreation by
2. 1997 demo sprite, 1999 final sprite
3. 1999's final design

179 1569

I do remember...💕the beginning of folk
"Once upon a time, long ago, in the days when poplars bore pears and rushes violets, when bears would wrestle one another by the strength their tails, and wolves and lambs kissed and cuddled each other"

26 43

“For Ulmo bore up Elwing out of the waves, and he gave her the likeness of a great white bird, and upon her breast there shone as a star the Silmaril.” – The Silmarillion

Artwork by motherofbees

56 256

We can stretch like rubber fly like birds
We’ll eat candy for supper or whatever’s preferred
Adult life’s a bore
Schoolwork and chores
What’s that all for?
Talk about “snore”
But here we are more
Funtime Galore
We’ll sing we will soar!
We’ll do it again when I get home after four

3 17

The Sidhe ('She') are the Fair Folk of the Hollow Hills. They were Angels once, cast forth from Heaven for their pride. There are those who say they are the Neutral Angels that took no part in the War in Heaven and bore the healing Grail to Earth!

93 309

Persona vs IRL!

Am trying to be as nice as I can online. But truth is IRL me is way too shy and afraid she'd bore people out. https://t.co/TvkoJIYFnt

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